

Learn "representation" in video and performing arts as a performer.

Movies and theater are a source of encouragement and inspiration to many people

Our students learn film and theater expression and acting as a comprehensive art, one that includes integrated music, excellent video work, and the representations of humans and the world. We begin our studies from the idea that film and theater can bring social awareness and inspiration to those who watch the works, and this can become source of encouragement. Those who study theater and film collaborate together, each taking acting roles as well as learning stage support skills such as lighting and stage art. Students together create a single work. Find a new you through the group activities while building great strength as an individual. To learn the theater at our university opens doors in life and leads to self-discovery.

We hold workshops to teach full-body modes of expression

We tend to associate communication with words, but in fact a great deal of communication is expressed through facial expressions and gestures. In this department students learn the importance of nonverbal communication, and they learn to use their facial expressions and their bodies to convey messages and meaning to their listeners. Our students not only become great performers, but become masters at communication. They learn to express themselves and read the expressions of others.

Students design and complete an original stage work for their graduation performance.

Students belonging to the movie and theater seminar hold a graduation performance in the winter of their fourth year in an off-campus hall. From the screenplay, the director, the actors, the lighting, to the sound and the stage, everything is decided and prepared by the students. The preparation and training is also completely done by students with feedback from faculty. Teachers may give advice, but the eventual direction and final product is completed entirely by the students. Thus students enjoy their fruits of their own accomplishments and the real thrill of the stage in this performance. Further, through this experience, they realize the importance of team work through the group activities and teamwork.
