
マーガレット キム

マーガレット キム
氏名 マーガレット キム(マーガレット キム)

KIM Margaret

学部 経営学部
専攻 経営学専攻
職名 教授
学位 修士(教育学)
研究テーマ public speakingintercultural communicationgender issues
コメント My current research interests are Contrast Culture Method of intercultural training and gender issues in society.
主な著書・論文 “The Realia Potential: Utilizing What’s Around Us”, M. Kim, S. Starley, M. Wysong, Kwansei Gakuin University Annual Research Report of the Language Center, March 2002, 3-20.

“Face to Face: Indications for Listening Evaluation”, M. Kim, S. Starley, M. Wysong, Kwansei Gakuin University Annual Research Report of the Language Center, March 2002, 21-29.

“Evaluation and Revision of the Speaking Test for Intermediate Course Student Selection, S. Larson, M. Kim, S. Starley, Kwansei Gakuin University Annual Research Report of the Language Center, March 2002, 53-79.

“Focus on the Students: Motivation Through Self-Evaluation”, M. Kim, R. Miller, E. Phillips, Kwansei Gakuin University Annual Research Report of the Language Center, March 2003, 31-52.

“Computers in the EFL Writing Class: Hindrance or Help?”, M. Kim, R. Miller, Kobe College Studies, Vol. LII, No. 3, March 2006, 25-33.

“A Promise to Thyself”, M. Kim, Kobe College Studies, Vol. 54, No. 1, June 2007.

“You can lead a Horse to the Fountain of Knowledge, but…Can you make him drink?”, M. Kim, R. Miller, Asia TEFL International Conference Companion CD, June 2007.

“Increasing Multicultural Awareness through Understanding Japan’s Diverse Populations”, M. Deguchi, M. Kim, The 2010 Pan-SIG Conference Proceedings, “Learner Perspectives”, May 2011, 51-65.

“Breaking Down Barriers through Cross-Cultural Interactions”, E. Chan, M. Kim, The Language Teacher, September/October 2011.

“An Analysis of Learning Strategies for Japanese Students Studying Abroad”,
M. Asaba, M. Kim, Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts, Annual Reports of Studies, Vol 62, March 2012, 43-51.

“Non-Japanese Asian Female English Teachers Speak Out: Dismantling White Privilege in Japan”, M. Kim, N. S. Lee, Studies in English Language Teaching, Vol 5 No 3, September 2017, 531-542.
研究分野 国際関係外国語その他